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  • Graph of Moth response to different compounds
    Rights: Marc Clement Bouwer et al., CC-BY 4.0 Published 26 April 2019 Size: 200 KB Referencing Hub media

    The results from using a coupled gas chromatography-electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) machine to test a moth’s response to different compounds.

    The bottom trace indicates the different compounds coming out of the machine as time goes on. The top trace shows the electrical activity inside the moth’s antenna as compounds leave and pass over it. This activity indicates the moth’s response to each compound, measuring electrical impulses sent from the antenna to the moth’s brain.

    Image source: Identification of the Sex Pheromone of the Tree Infesting Cossid Moth Coryphodema tristis (Lepidoptera: Cossidae). Bouwer MC, Slippers B, Degefu D, Wingfield MJ, Lawson S, et al. (2015) Identification of the Sex Pheromone of the Tree Infesting Cossid Moth Coryphodema tristis (Lepidoptera: Cossidae). PLOS ONE 10(3): e0118575.

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