Join Greta Dromgool and Ted Cizadlo in a session designed to build confidence in teaching the Physical World.
Using simple, everyday equipment, we will take you step by step through how you can teach the Physical World concept of waves. Most of us think of the waves we see at the beach, but there is so much more to learn about this fundamental physics concept. If you are wanting to teach sound, light or the electromagnetic spectrum, waves is where you need to begin.
This session will be valuable for middle to upper primary and lower secondary school teachers. However, all teachers are welcome to join us.
Register here.
Prize giveaway
Sitech has gifted us a PocketLab Voyager to GIVE AWAY! This amazing technology is an all-in-one science lab that is capable enough for professionals and simple enough for our youngest students. It has a value of $279, and we are very excited to be able to give this away to one of our webinar participants. If you participated in the Physics made simple – force and motion PLD session in February or the Physics made simple – gravity PLD session in March, you are already in the draw. You will get an additional entry if you attend this next Physics made simple webinar. Find out how to enter here.
Joining the webinar
Follow these simple steps to join our webinar on Zoom:
- Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android by clicking on the link and following the instructions. You can also access Zoom on your phone, just follow the prompts.
- Find the chat box located in the toolbar at the bottom of your screen. You may need to access this by clicking on ‘More’.
- Using the chat box, introduce yourself, where you teach and, if you are in a group, how many people are there.
- Set up your screen for optimal viewing. If you’re using a mobile device, you may wish to view in landscape. We recommend selecting a thumbnail view of the presenters – this way, you can easily see what is being shared on the screen.
Then you can:
- watch, listen and respond via chat to the presentation and discussion
- ask questions using the chat box at any time
- continue your learning on Slack – our online discussion forum.
The Science Learning Hub team will be there to support you and answer questions.
PLD certification
We currently offer recognition of teachers’ involvement in our online PLD.
To qualify for a professional learning and development certificate, teachers must:
- register for and watch the live webinar or let us know they have viewed the recorded version once it is published on the website
- register in Slack and participate in our discussions about our Physics made simple webinars in Slack or in the Slack learning reflections channel.
Related content
The Science Learning Hub’s waves concept has a range of articles and activities including a great introductory article Waves and energy – wave basics.
There are so many different concepts and topics connected to waves – you might be interested in sound, light or tsunamis. All these different contexts require students to understand the basics of how waves work.
Physics made simple webinar series
- Physics made simple – force and motion – recorded webinar
- Physics made simple – gravity – recorded webinar
- Win a PocketLab Voyager – competition