Manawa Taiao, Manawa Ora – Sharing hope and action. The conference name reflects the need for hope and action for te taiao.

Join the New Zealand Association for Environmental Education (NZAEE) national online conference in the first week of the October holidays, for a morning of inspiration and networking with passionate educators and rangatahi from around the motu.

This year's conference is FREE for NZAEE members, teachers and students, and is only $60 for others (which includes one year membership to NZAEE).

For those who attend live, there will be opportunities to discuss ideas, share actions and network using online tools and breakout rooms. If you can't make it on the day, the presentations will be recorded and shared with those who register.

For more information and to registrations, see

The MC will be Erana Whaiapu with two keynote speakers Steve Katene and Tyra Begbie.

The keynote speakers will be followed by three rounds of short concurrent sessions, with a range of speakers working in early childhood, schools, kura, and the wider community. There will also be rangatahi and tamariki presenters, along with academics and practitioners who will be sharing recent research.

Speakers include:

  • Pania Newton
  • Quack Pirihi
  • Tracey-Lee Dalton
  • Hannah Simmonds
  • Sarah Hopkinson
  • Rachel Bolstad
  • Te Morehu Whenua
  • Chris Eames
  • Jorge Jimenez
  • Violet Aydon-Pou
  • Ryan Jackson
  • Sian Carvell

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