Professor Detlef Stammer, Chair of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), is visiting Aotearoa-New Zealand to promote the WCRP’s Science Directions. In this free lecture, supported by Royal Society Te Apārangi in partnership with Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington, he will outline WCRP's activities and how these will help promote climate-science education and to inform development of climate services and policies. He will also address the most pressing climate-science challenges facing humanity and plans to address them through international co-ordination and co-operation.
This presentation will be of interest to climate change researchers, stakeholders, users of climate change information, and the public.
Venue: Aronui Lecture Theatre, Royal Society Te Apārangi, 11 Turnbull Street, Thorndon, Wellington
For more information and to book a seat:
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We have lots of resources on climate change – we recommend starting with Climate change resources – planning pathways this provides pedagogical advice and links to the New Zealand Curriculum and includes an interactive planner that groups Hub resources into key science and teaching concepts.
For more, browse the content under our climate change topic.