Did you know that more than 30% of our orchids are of conservation concern, with some species reduced to only a few hundred plants and restricted to a single locality? A number of potentially new species are also facing the threat of extinction. What can we do to save them?
Te Papa Botanist and orchid specialist Carlos Lehnebach will talk about current research projects whose aims are describing the diversity of orchid species in New Zealand, understanding their partnerships with fungi and pollinators, and developing methods to help propagate those rare and threatened species from seed to assist the conservation of rare and threatened plants.
Venue: Te Papa, 55 Cable Street, Wellignton
For more information and tickets: www.friendsoftepapa.org.nz/event/talk-the-diversity-and-conservation-of-new-zealand-orchids/
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Find out more about Vegetative plant propagation and Plant reproduction without seeds.
Activity ideas
Growing new plants without seeds uses spores, bulbils, rhizomes, stolons, tubers or cuttings to grow new plants.
Student-led investigations about seeds encourages students to choose a question concerning seeds and then design an investigation to find the answer.